How to Budget Your Time – A Simple Guide to Get Things Done!

There is an endless supply of articles online about managing your money, but not much about managing your time. It seems as though we all live our lives in constant scarcity when it comes to time. We’re constantly being told that we need to “optimize,” “prioritize,” and “strategize” if we want to save money. An organized budget helps you know where your money is going and what you have left over to save or spend on things like vacations or new clothes. A budget helps you plan for the future and see whether you will have enough money for retirement or other long-term goals. But a budget doesn’t just mean counting your cents and nickels — it means thinking about what really matters to you.

Why is managing your time at least as important as managing your money?

Even though managing your time and money seems to be two different things, they go hand-in-hand. And, like in the case of money, the key to managing your time is being organized and planning ahead. But the idea that money is the most important thing in the world is a common misconception. In reality, time is much more valuable than money. But don’t take my word for it. Five important people of our days had this to say about time and money:

  • Steve Jobs: “My favorite things don’t cost money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time”
  • Jim Rohn: “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time”
  • Thomas Edison: “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.”
  • Shane Parrish: “We all know our money isn’t infinite, yet we end up treating our time, energy, and attention as if they are.”
  • Jack Canfield (author of Chicken Soup for the Soul): “Money, I can only gain or lose. But time, I can only lose. So, I must spend it carefully.”

Based on the examples above, we should already have an intuition that time is more important than money, but to understand things better, let’s dive a bit deeper and look at some important characteristics that time has and money doesn’t have:

  • Time is a limited resource. You can’t get as much as you want.
  • Time is gone forever. You can’t get it back.

With money, you can get so much that, from a point, it doesn’t really matter. It’s not the same with time. And if you lose money, you can get it back. But you can’t get back any second of the time that passed away.

What does budget actually mean?

Using the simplest possible words: budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This spending plan is called a budget. If you create a spending plan for your time, we could say you are budgeting time.

What does a time budget actually mean?

The term time budget refers to a method of tracking how we spend our time. A time budget is similar to a financial budget, which tracks how our money is spent. In other words, a time budget is a detailed plan of how much time you will spend on your day-to-day activities over a given period of time.

Here is how to budget your time step by step:

  1. Identify priorities:

    The first step in budgeting your time involves compiling a thorough list of all your tasks, encompassing everything from professional responsibilities to personal errands, hobbies, and even daily routines like exercise. At this stage, focus on inclusivity without filtering or prioritizing, simply gathering every task that requires your attention into a complete overview using tools like digital notepads, apps, or traditional pen and paper.

  2. Organize tasks:

    After setting your priorities, the next step in budgeting your time is to organize your tasks. Utilize the Eisenhower Matrix technique here, categorizing tasks by urgency and importance, dividing them into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This helps ensure that the most critical activities are attended to first. This step helps create a more structured approach to time management by identifying which tasks should be tackled first and which can be scheduled for later. Another effective concept to consider is the Pickle Jar Theory. This theory suggests that you should first tackle the ‘big rocks’ or most important tasks before moving on to the smaller, less critical ones. Imagine your day as a pickle jar: the big rocks are your main priorities, the pebbles are smaller tasks, and the sand represents minor activities. By filling your jar with big rocks first, you ensure that your most significant tasks are completed and then fill in the remaining space with smaller tasks and activities, optimizing your time management and productivity.

  3. Allocate time:

    Utilize time management techniques to structure your day efficiently. Determine when each task needs to be completed. Setting clear, achievable goals for both short-term and long-term plans can guide how you allocate your time. Organizing your tasks and applying these techniques will create a more effective and manageable schedule, aligning your daily activities with your overall priorities. After organizing your tasks and applying time management techniques, you must also account for breaks, rest, and unexpected events in your schedule. This involves building in buffer times and rest periods to maintain productivity and avoid burnout. Allocate time for short breaks throughout the day and ensure there is flexibility to handle unforeseen circumstances. Balancing structured task management with the need for rest and adaptability is key to maintaining a sustainable and effective schedule, which supports your overall well-being while helping you achieve your priorities.

  4. Execute the planned schedule:

    When executing your planned schedule, it’s wise to start your day by focusing on the most crucial tasks, ensuring a strong and productive beginning. Adaptability is key, so remain flexible to adjust your plan as unexpected tasks arise. Instead of multitasking, concentrate on one task at a time for better efficiency. Employ the Pomodoro Technique or similar time-blocking methods to organize tasks into dedicated intervals, allowing for focused work periods followed by short breaks.

  5. Review and adjust:

    Monitor and adjust your schedule based on its effectiveness and your well-being. This involves regularly reviewing your time management plan, assessing if you’re meeting your goals, and ensuring your workload is sustainable. If necessary, make adjustments to your schedule to improve efficiency or to better align with your priorities. This could mean re-prioritizing tasks, modifying goals, or changing your approach to breaks and rest periods. The key is to remain flexible and responsive to your progress and personal needs, ensuring that your time management strategy evolves with you.

To budget your time, you need to prioritize and focus. You can’t be all things to all people. Realistically, you can only do so much.

To budget your time well, look at what others do!

Most people have a routine that they follow each day, whether going to work, taking the kids to school, or getting a workout in. A typical day at the office for a Software Engineer might start out with some coffee and a healthy breakfast before heading to the office. After a short morning meeting, you’ll spend the rest of your day writing code until around 6:30 p.m., when you can typically take an evening break or go home for dinner. If you’re working from home, your evening will probably consist of cooking dinner, cleaning up, and relaxing. In the evening, it’s common practice to have another meeting with the team to discuss the progress made on projects in the week and how to move forward. You might also attend an informal happy hour or dinner with one or two of your coworkers or tend to one of your hobbies (gaming). If you are a software engineer, this setup could work as a framework for setting up a good plan for most of the work days. You just have to adjust it a bit with your particular needs and wants.

More examples to budget your time: what do firefighters do?

I chose firefighters as an example because this is one activity requiring people to be very diligent with their tasks. Even if they are not efficient at the beginning, they will eventually become so because of the strict training schedule they must go through. They have to be prepared for everything after all, don’t they?

So, here is an example of a typical day in the life of a firefighter.

At 7:30 a.m., firefighters arrive at the firehouse and prepare for the 8:00 a.m. shift start. At 8:00 a.m., all personnel check out fire apparatus and equipment to ensure they are fully functional. Each firehouse is led by a company officer, who, in addition to leading and participating in training and calls, spends a lot of time in his or her office logging personnel and equipment on a computer, checking training and inspection schedules, and performing other administrative tasks. Every EMS Technician and Paramedic will verify that all medications are accounted for. 9:00 a.m. is physical fitness time. Daily, firefighters must maintain adequate physical condition and exercise to keep up with the demands of their job. They must complete two physical fitness assessments yearly to maintain their physical fitness, which is crucial to their work. 11 a.m. is for miscellaneous tasks. General errands must be finished (fuel and equipment for the engines, pick up supplies, and so on.). If time allows, training or inspections may be held in the morning. But emergency calls can come at any moment of the day. If an emergency occurs, they drop everything and respond. Each firefighter contributes $6.00 for a 48-hour shift. At 12:00, it’s lunchtime. From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., firefighters have the largest block of time reserved for training, business inspections, public education, and special programs. Training may include firefighting techniques, medical knowledge and skills, hazardous materials, or specialized rescue training. Firefighters must be prepared for everything. Besides training, firefighters travel to schools and businesses to provide public fire education. Maintenance of the apparatus and equipment is also done in the afternoon on a regularly scheduled basis. At 6:00 p.m., it is dinner time.

Budgeting time -> How does a Cambridge University English Literature student do it?

In this video, you will see a typical day in the life of a Cambridge University English Literature student. Her name is Georgie Ellen, and she is in her 2nd year at Magdalene College. She had lectures and supervision, studied in the library, and attended social events. You can use her as inspiration and an example of budgeting your time if you are in a similar situation.

Budget your time by planning your days in advance!

There are many reasons why you should plan your days in advance. Planning ahead can help you make the most of your time, avoid conflicts and overlap in your schedule, and generally help you to be more organized and productive. When you know what you need to do and when you need to do it, you can better focus your attention and energy on completing your tasks. In addition, planning ahead can help you anticipate problems or issues that might arise and prepare you for them. If you know what you must do in advance, you can plan for any potential obstacles and have a backup plan if something goes wrong. By planning your days in advance, you can ensure that you make the most of your time and are better prepared for whatever comes your way.

There are many ways to plan your days in advance, including using a calendar, journal, or planner. You can write down the tasks you want to accomplish for the day and break them into smaller sections to help you manage your time better. You can also use sticky notes to remind yourself of certain tasks you need to get done. Or, if you’re more technologically inclined, you can use apps like Google Calendar or Microsoft Planner to keep track of your daily tasks. The important thing is to find the best way to keep track of your daily tasks and not let things slip through the cracks. If you have children, a partner, or other family members who rely on you, you must ensure you’re not letting other things slip through the cracks.

Effective time management is crucial for success, as demonstrated by various entrepreneur examples such as e-commerce business owners, consultants, service-based business owners, start-ups, and online business owners who must balance multiple tasks and responsibilities while staying organized and meeting deadlines.

Why can budgeting your time reduce stress levels?

Budgeting your time well can help you achieve more, which is great if you want to save time or get more done at work. However, time management is not just about being more productive – it’s also about being happier. Having a clear idea of your priorities and limiting distractions is also essential to a successful plan. When you’re constantly bombarded with distractions, it’s easy to lose sight of your goals and what you’re trying to achieve. Additionally, limiting distractions can help reduce stress levels. It can be difficult to relax and de-stress if you constantly pull yourself in different directions. When you can focus your attention on one task at a time, you’re more likely to get things done efficiently and effectively.

How do habits help you save time?

Habits or routines are one of the most effective ways to save time that you can use. When you have a habit, you will automatically do something every day. For example, if you always brush your teeth in the morning, that is a habit you have created. Habits allow you to save time because they take care of the routine parts of your life. When you have a routine for brushing your teeth, it will become easier to do. They also help to keep you motivated because you will start to feel good about yourself when you see that you are sticking to a routine. Habits can be helpful in many areas of your life, such as work, school, and home. You can even create habits around things like exercise or taking a break from social media. By creating habits, you can feel more in control of your life and less stressed.

Don’t forget about the work-life balance

When budgeting your time, it’s essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, prioritizing self-care activities like relaxation and hobbies, and being efficient during work hours to ensure you can fully disconnect later. Flexibility is key, allowing you to adjust your schedule for unexpected events while still preserving the balance between your professional and personal life. For those seeking more guidance, check out the Forbes article.

Relaxation: A Vital Element in Time Budgeting

In mastering the art of time management, relaxation plays an essential role. Relaxation, scientifically proven to rejuvenate the mind and prevent burnout, is key to a balanced time budgeting strategy. Regular relaxation practices, whether through short meditation sessions or designated unwind periods are beneficial and essential for boosting creativity and maintaining mental health. Integrating these practices strategically into your routine is vital, enhancing immediate productivity and ensuring long-term well-being and effectiveness in all areas of life. For further insights into effectively incorporating relaxation into your busy schedule, the Harvard Business Review’s article, “Relax, You Have 168 Hours This Week,” offers practical strategies to maximize your time, including vital relaxation techniques.

Stay healthy, don’t compromise

Good health directly influences productivity and efficiency. When you are physically and mentally healthy, you can manage your time more effectively as you have the energy and focus required. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management. Prioritizing health improves your ability to stick to a time budget and enhances overall life quality. Neglecting health can lead to decreased productivity and more time spent dealing with health-related issues, disrupting your carefully planned schedule.

Use shortcuts, particularly keyboard shortcuts

Mastering these shortcuts can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. Keyboard shortcuts, a series of one or several keys that execute a command within a software program, can save valuable time that might otherwise be spent navigating menus with a mouse. Emphasizing the importance of these time-saving techniques, this section could offer examples of commonly used shortcuts in popular software programs and encourage readers to invest a little time learning these to save a lot more time in the long run. For those interested in delving deeper into this topic, I recommend checking out an insightful article that covers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts.

Leverage Time Tracking Software for Effective Time Budgeting

In today’s digital landscape, time-tracking software is a pivotal asset for effective time management, particularly in personal project and task management. These innovative tools enable you to monitor and document the time dedicated to specific tasks, using timesheets to offer a structured and precise overview. This approach provides insights into your productivity patterns and highlights areas of time over expenditure. Utilizing time-tracking software and the methodical use of timesheets is exceptionally beneficial in managing personal projects, ensuring you keep pace with various project elements and adhere to set deadlines.

Strategies to Balance Social Media Usage for Better Time Budgeting

In today’s interconnected world, social media can be both a valuable tool and a significant distraction, especially in the workplace. Developing strategies for managing social media usage is essential to maintain focus and optimize productivity. One effective approach is to allocate specific time for social media, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with work tasks. Consider using apps that limit social media access during peak productivity hours. Practicing digital mindfulness – being conscious of how and why you use social media – can also be beneficial. Setting these boundaries allows you to stay focused on your work, save valuable time, and create more opportunities for productive activities. This balance is key to effective time management in the digital age.

Maximizing Efficiency: Integrating Time and Financial Budgeting Tools for Success

Understanding the benefits of budgeting in terms of time and finances is crucial for effective management. Time budgeting, similar to financial budgeting, involves wisely allocating your resources to prioritize tasks, set achievable goals, and enhance efficiency. This method reduces stress, boosts productivity, and addresses critical tasks. Let’s consider a legit review of financial tools like Rocket Money and Acorns to provide an impartial and helpful perspective. Much like time budgeting strategies, these tools aid in organizing resources effectively, as detailed in our thorough financial review, highlighting their role in successful planning and disciplined management.


Budgeting time is just figuring out what is important and what isn’t. It’s like when you are shopping for groceries. You’ll have to make a list of what you need, and then you’ll need to stick to it!

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